Z-planner Enterprise™

Z-planner Enterprise™ is field-solver based PCB stackup planning and materials selection software that’s optimized for both the design of PCB stackups and the management of stackup design as part of the PCB design flow.

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Z-planner Enterprise Includes

Dielectric Materials Library

Z-planner Enterprise™

The industry’s largest dielectric-materials library, including laminates from AGC-Nelco, EMC, Doosan, ITEQ, Nanya, Panasonic, Shengyi, TUC, and Ventec

Full accounting for frequency, resin content, glass style, and pressed prepreg thickness

Z-zero library, spreadsheet-manageable corporate library, and local (desktop) libraries

Material Matching™ enables automated stackup redesign based on material parameters

Library updates as they become available over the internet

Built-in filters for common constraints like halogen-free materials, dual-ply cores, and a complete set of the IPC-4101 slash sheets

Custom filters using any mechanical or electrical material parameters

Material Mapper™ includes comprehensive plots, including Dk, Df, Tg, Td, z-CTE, and x-y CTE

Built-in interface to Z-field™ for direct Dk and Df measurements from laminates from 1-20 GHz

Enhance Your PCB Stackup

Everything necessary for designing/managing stackups and selecting materials

Unlimited stackup layer support, included automated calculation of width/spacing

HyperLynx field solver-simulating dielectric and copper losses

Z-solver-detailed cross-section analysis, including S-parameter export

Interfaces to most PCB layout and signal-integrity design flows

DFM and DFSI rules management and checking

Download the Datasheet:

Z-planner Enterprise™ Datasheet


Z-planner Enterprise is field-solver based PCB stackup planning and materials selection software that’s optimized for both the design of PCB stackups and the management of stackup design as part of the PCB design flow.

Z-planner Enterprise

Everything you need to eliminate manual data
reentry, interface with the most popular
signal-integrity software and enhance your
PCB stackups.

  • HyperLynx field solver
  • Unlimited Impedance groups and layer count
  • Advanced stackup wizard
  • Stackup manager for design reuse
  • Detailed manufacturing properties and notes
  • Excel stackup export
  • Z-solver™ cross-section analysis
  • Glass awareness and Glass-Weave Skew mitigation
  • Fab stackup imports
  • Compare fab stackups to spec
  • Stackup DFM and DFSI
  • Import/export from SI software


What Our Customers Say

Enhance Your PCB Stackups

  • Everything needed for PCB stackup design, material selection, and stackup validation
  • Support for multiple impedance groups—including automated calculation of trace width and spacing rules
  • HyperLynx field solver—simulating dielectric and copper losses
  • Z-solver—detailed cross-section analysis, including S-parameter export
  • Interfaces to most PCB layout and signal-integrity design flows
  • DFM and DFSI rules management and checking

Download the Datasheet


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Eliminate manual data reentry and interface with the most popular signal-integrity software